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- /* Memory.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #pragma options(pack_enums)
- #endif
- #include <Memory.h>
- #include <Errors.h>
- #include <Files.h>
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #pragma options(!pack_enums)
- #endif
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "MyMalloc.h"
- #define EnableHeapChecking (True)
- #define MemoryFillPattern (0x81)
- #if EnableHeapChecking
- #define HEAPCHECK() CheckHeap()
- #else
- #define HEAPCHECK() ((void)0)
- #endif
- EXECUTE(long NumPtrsAllocated = 0;)
- EXECUTE(MyBoolean Initialized = False;)
- #if MEMDEBUG /* { */
- #define IsANothing (0)
- #define IsAHandle (1)
- #define IsAPointer (2)
- typedef struct StoreRec
- {
- struct StoreRec* Next;
- void* HandPtr; /* whatever it is */
- short Type; /* handle or pointer */
- char* Tag; /* string for tagging */
- } StoreRec;
- static StoreRec* TrackList;
- static short MemDumpFile;
- static MyBoolean RegisterPointer(char* ThePointer);
- static void DeregisterPointer(char* ThePointer);
- static void SetUpChecking(void);
- static void ShutOffChecking(void);
- static void MemPrint(char* Str,...);
- #else /* }{ */
- #define RegisterPointer(ThePointer) (True)
- #define DeregisterPointer(ThePointer) ((void)0)
- #define SetUpChecking() ((void)0)
- #define ShutOffChecking() ((void)0)
- #endif /* } */
- /* attempt to allocate a pointer */
- #if DEBUG
- char* EepAllocPtr(long Size, char* Tag)
- #else
- char* EepAllocPtr(long Size)
- #endif
- {
- char* Temp;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Memory subsystem hasn't been initialized"));
- ERROR((Size >= 0x00800000 - 16) || (Size < 0),
- PRERR(AllowResume,"AllocPtr: Requested size is out of range."));
- if ((Size >= 0x00800000 - 16) || (Size < 0))
- {
- /* this prevents us from crashing in the final version when allocating */
- /* really big things */
- return NIL;
- }
- Temp = (char*)BlockNew(Size);
- #if DEBUG
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- if (!RegisterPointer(Temp))
- {
- BlockRelease(Temp);
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- long Scan;
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Size; Scan += 1)
- {
- Temp[Scan] = MemoryFillPattern;
- }
- }
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- SetTag(Temp,Tag);
- }
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- NumPtrsAllocated += 1;
- }
- #endif
- return Temp;
- }
- /* release pointer and attempt to restore cache */
- void ReleasePtr(char* ThePtr)
- {
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Memory subsystem hasn't been initialized"));
- ERROR(ThePtr==NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"ReleasePtr: Tried to dispose a NIL pointer."));
- #if DEBUG
- if (ThePtr != NIL)
- {
- NumPtrsAllocated -= 1;
- }
- {
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- Limit = PtrSize(ThePtr);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- ThePtr[Scan] = MemoryFillPattern;
- }
- }
- #endif
- DeregisterPointer(ThePtr);
- BlockRelease(ThePtr);
- }
- long PtrSize(char* p)
- {
- long Result;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Memory subsystem hasn't been initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(p);
- return BlockSize(p);
- }
- char* ResizePtr(char* ThePointer, long NewSize)
- {
- void* NewOne;
- StoreRec* Scan;
- #endif
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Memory subsystem hasn't been initialized"));
- NewOne = BlockResize(ThePointer,NewSize);
- Scan = TrackList;
- while (Scan != NIL)
- {
- if ((Scan->Type == IsAPointer) && (Scan->HandPtr == ThePointer))
- {
- Scan->HandPtr = NewOne;
- goto SpiffyPoint;
- }
- Scan = Scan->Next;
- }
- APRINT(("ResizePtr: Undefined pointer used: %r",ThePointer));
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"ResizePtr: Undefined pointer used.");
- #endif
- SpiffyPoint:
- return (char*)NewOne;
- }
- /* initialize the cache */
- MyBoolean Eep_InitMemory(void)
- {
- long Count;
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- APRINT(("+InitMemory"));
- MaxApplZone();
- ERROR(Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"InitMemory called more than once."));
- for (Count = 4; Count >= 0; Count -= 1)
- {
- MoreMasters();
- }
- SetUpChecking();
- EXECUTE(Initialized = True;)
- ReturnValue = InitializeMyMalloc();
- APRINT(("-InitMemory"));
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- void Eep_FlushMemory(void)
- {
- APRINT(("+FlushMemory"));
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Memory subsystem hasn't been initialized"));
- ERROR(NumPtrsAllocated!=0,PRERR(AllowResume,
- "FlushMemory: Some pointers are still allocated just before quitting."));
- ShutOffChecking();
- EXECUTE(Initialized = False;)
- APRINT(("-FlushMemory"));
- }
- #if MEMDEBUG /* { */
- static MyBoolean RegisterPointer(char* ThePointer)
- {
- StoreRec* Temp;
- Temp = (StoreRec*)BlockNew(sizeof(StoreRec));
- if (Temp == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- Temp->Next = TrackList;
- TrackList = (StoreRec*)Temp;
- Temp->Type = IsAPointer;
- Temp->HandPtr = ThePointer;
- Temp->Tag = NIL;
- return True;
- }
- static void DeregisterPointer(char* ThePointer)
- {
- StoreRec* Scan;
- StoreRec* Lag;
- char* Temp;
- Scan = TrackList;
- Lag = NIL;
- while ((Scan != NIL) && (Scan->HandPtr != ThePointer))
- {
- Lag = Scan;
- Scan = Scan->Next;
- }
- if (Scan == NIL)
- {
- APRINT(("Deletion of nonexistent pointer %r",ThePointer));
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Deletion of nonexistent pointer.");
- }
- if (Scan->Type != IsAPointer)
- {
- APRINT(("Deletion of pointer of unknown type %r",ThePointer));
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Deletion of pointer of unknown type.");
- }
- if (Lag == NIL)
- {
- Temp = (char*)TrackList;
- TrackList = Scan->Next;
- BlockRelease(Temp);
- }
- else
- {
- Temp = (char*)Lag->Next;
- Lag->Next = Scan->Next;
- BlockRelease(Temp);
- }
- }
- void SetTag(void* TheRef, char* TheTag)
- {
- StoreRec* Scan;
- short TagScan;
- Scan = TrackList;
- while ((Scan != NIL) && (Scan->HandPtr != TheRef))
- {
- Scan = Scan->Next;
- }
- if (Scan == NIL)
- {
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Handle/Ptr couldn't be found by SetTag.");
- }
- else
- {
- Scan->Tag = TheTag;
- }
- }
- /* this checks to see if a pointer exists. as a performance enhancement (since */
- /* we search this list constantly) referenced elements are moved to the head */
- /* of the list */
- void CheckPtrExistence(void* ThePointer)
- {
- StoreRec* Scan;
- StoreRec* Lag;
- if (ThePointer == NIL)
- {
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CheckPtrExistence: Pointer is NIL");
- }
- Lag = NIL;
- Scan = TrackList;
- while (Scan != NIL)
- {
- if ((Scan->Type == IsAPointer) && (Scan->HandPtr == ThePointer))
- {
- /* found -- and correct */
- if (Lag != NIL)
- {
- /* if element isn't at the beginning of the list, move it */
- /* there. */
- Lag->Next = Scan->Next; /* removed from old place */
- Scan->Next = TrackList; /* added to beginning */
- TrackList = Scan;
- }
- return;
- }
- Lag = Scan;
- Scan = Scan->Next;
- }
- APRINT(("Undefined pointer used: %r",ThePointer));
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Undefined pointer used.");
- }
- static void SetUpChecking(void)
- {
- TrackList = NIL;
- }
- static void ShutOffChecking(void)
- {
- unsigned char DumpName[] = {"\p!!MemCheck Still Allocated Dump"};
- StoreRec* Scan;
- short VRefNum;
- CheckHeap();
- FSDelete(DumpName,0);
- ERROR(Create(DumpName,0,AUDITCREATOR,'TEXT') != noErr,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Memory's ShutOffChecking couldn't create dump file."));
- ERROR(FSOpen(DumpName,0,&MemDumpFile) != noErr,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "Memory's ShutOffChecking couldn't open dump file for writing."));
- /* MemPrint("These handles and pointers are still allocated:"); */
- Scan = TrackList;
- while (Scan != NIL)
- {
- switch (Scan->Type)
- {
- case IsAHandle:
- MemPrint("Handle %x '%t'",Scan->HandPtr,Scan->Tag);
- break;
- case IsAPointer:
- MemPrint("Pointer %x '%t'",Scan->HandPtr,Scan->Tag);
- break;
- }
- Scan = Scan->Next;
- }
- GetVRefNum(MemDumpFile,&VRefNum);
- FSClose(MemDumpFile);
- FlushVol("\p",VRefNum);
- }
- /* some va_args crud for MemPrint */
- typedef void *va_list;
- #define __va(arg) &arg + 1
- #define va_start(p, arg) p = __va(arg)
- #define va_arg(p, type) *(* (type **) &p)++
- #define va_end(p) ((void)0)
- /* I lifted this from Audit.c */
- /* this prints a string in the same way that printf does. it accepts these options: */
- /* %x = hexadecimal long */
- /* %t = C String (text) */
- #define BUFSIZE (256)
- static void MemPrint(char* Str,...)
- {
- va_list pa;
- char Buffer[BUFSIZE];
- long BufPtr;
- static char Hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- BufPtr = 0;
- va_start(pa,Str);
- while (*Str != 0)
- {
- if (*Str == '%')
- {
- Str += 1;
- switch (*Str)
- {
- case 'x':
- {
- char Buf[9];
- short Count;
- unsigned long Num;
- Num = va_arg(pa,long);
- for (Count = 8; Count >= 1; Count -= 1)
- {
- Buf[Count] = Hex[Num & 0x0000000f];
- Num = Num >> 4;
- }
- Buf[0] = '$';
- for (Count = 0; Count < 9; Count += 1)
- {
- Buffer[BufPtr++] = Buf[Count];
- "MemPrint buffer overrun."));
- }
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- {
- char* Strp;
- Strp = va_arg(pa,char*);
- while (*Strp != 0)
- {
- Buffer[BufPtr++] = *(Strp++);
- }
- ERROR(BufPtr>=BUFSIZE,PRERR(ForceAbort,"MemPrint buffer overrun."));
- }
- break;
- }
- Str += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- Buffer[BufPtr++] = *(Str++);
- ERROR(BufPtr>=BUFSIZE,PRERR(ForceAbort,"MemPrint buffer overrun."));
- }
- }
- Buffer[BufPtr++] = 0x0d;
- FSWrite(MemDumpFile,&BufPtr,Buffer);
- }
- #else /* }{ this next part is "#if !MEMDEBUG" */
- #if DEBUG /* { */
- #define AlignmentMask (0x03) /* should be 0x03??? */
- /* this is the DEBUG (but not MEMDEBUG) version */
- void CheckPtrExistence(void* ThePointer)
- {
- static MyBoolean ZoneIsValid = False;
- static Zone* Zone;
- static char* ZoneBeginning;
- char* ZoneEnd;
- /* check for various signs of a bad pointer. note that the last two */
- /* won't work if you have more than 64 Megabytes. */
- if (!ZoneIsValid)
- {
- Zone = GetZone();
- ZoneIsValid = True;
- ZoneBeginning = (char*)&(Zone->heapData);
- }
- ZoneEnd = (char*)Zone->bkLim;
- if ((((unsigned long)ThePointer & AlignmentMask) != 0) || (ThePointer == NIL)
- || ((char*)ThePointer < ZoneBeginning) || ((char*)ThePointer >= ZoneEnd))
- {
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Undefined/Garbage Pointer used.");
- CheckHeap();
- }
- /* HEAPCHECK(); */
- }
- #endif /* } */
- #endif /* } */
- #if DEBUG
- void PRNGCHK(void* ThePointer, void* EffectiveAddress, signed long AccessSize)
- {
- signed long PSize;
- signed long Difference;
- PSize = PtrSize((char*)ThePointer);
- Difference = (char*)EffectiveAddress - (char*)ThePointer;
- if ((Difference < 0) || (Difference + AccessSize > PSize))
- {
- APRINT(("PRNGCHK pointer access range error: (%xl..%xl):%xl(+%l)",ThePointer,
- (char*)ThePointer + PSize - 1,EffectiveAddress,AccessSize));
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Pointer access out of range.");
- }
- }
- #endif